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Independence Day

Updated: Aug 21, 2018

"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint', then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced" -Vincent van Gogh

It really feels good when you see some bright young kids, running up to you, and hugging you tightly, early in the morning, with sparkling eyes, perfectly ready for giving us an eye. Overcoming all their fear, these vibrant kids finally left us all spellbound by an amazing song, making the entire Team of Zaariya proud. On this occasion of 72nd independence day, Team Zaariya had illuminated the little kids from the Uparvasta village, and crooned with them a patriotic song, which they have been teaching since past 3 weeks, for the cultural event of NISER's Independence Day celebration. Gratitudes to the Team. We strongly feel - it is not that your fate is already destined when you are born, but it is one and only 'YOU' who can, and has the potentials of moulding your destiny as you want it to be. But for those who are not as well off as we are, why not lend a hand and assist them in walking through their life's journey with happiness and a smile?


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