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"About Us"

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        Zaariya was built on the shoulders and combined wisdom of many. When it all started we were yet a small community of students and faculty but within this group was a need, the need to go out and ‘do something’ for the community at large. As vague as this was, this desire stemmed, for the most part, in the hearts and minds of NISER students coming to terms with what being a member of the society really meant, away from the cocoons of our homes and families. While hardly novel, this hopeful flame that shone in the hearts of many was key into why Zaariya was born. It is not ‘just’ a club, it is the intertwining of lives learning and growing together.


To stimulate social responsibility among the youth & promote processes which are sustainable,socially inclusive & gender equitable to enable poor & marginalized communities to achieve a dignified quality of life.

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By Laws
Our Constitution
Financial Report

Take a walk with us towards the ultimate goal of making the world a better place.


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