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Tribute to Debashish Jena

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       Last Sunday (7th October, 2018) we visited our very own Uparbasta village and had a great interactive session with the lively kids. We told them how great and benevolent human, DJ was and also that the initiative of the college students, visiting every weekend to teach them was actually taken up by him. But unfortunately we now miss this great soul.
      In remembrance of DJ, Zaariya volunteers had arranged for flower offerings for Debashish, distribution of small interactive quiz followed by chocolates, and then playing some random games with them, which all of us enjoyed to the fullest.
     DJ used to love interacting with kids and was also one of those volunteers who used to teach kids in the transit campus of NISER too, at IOP Bhubaneswar.
     As a small token of tribute, Zaariya volunteers dedicated the day to all those kids of Uparbasta.

May his soul rest in peace!

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