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Titli relief supplies

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     Mother Nature is rather brutal at times, and her brutality strikes off all humanly efforts for resistance. Call it the plight of mankind or the way of nature, but human emotions, at times count worthless in front of her wrath.
   Recently, South-Eastern India happened to witness such an illustration in the form of “#Titli”. Over 20 people succumbed to this catastrophe in Paralakehmund alone and many were rendered homeless. Paralakehmund houses Shaala Public School… our Tehsin’s school. #Zaariya responded to the needs of the many.
   We decided to arrange relief supplies and collected the basic necessities including clothes, ration, and monetary aid. We coordinated with Dr Dhanada Mishra and Mrs. Babita Mishra and shipped 6 cartons of clothes and one carton of ration (sugar, rice and dal).


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